UFO & UAP study

Even though a few people can summon ufo, it is rare to call the extraterrestrial creatures to jump out of ufo. https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2018/08/what-is-ufology-all-about.html

Friday, June 18, 2010

the blue color triangle ufo and it's passengers

(this sighting reported to MUFON)
the top photo was from two continuous pictures which taken 4 March 2010 2:39 PM from my back yard, the first photo showed the blue color triangle ufo and it's passengers, the next picture showed three light balls pop out side by side , the blue triangle shape was disappeared.

related article: http://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2008/11/mystery-of-triangle-ufo.html

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