UFO & UAP study

Even though a few people can summon ufo, it is rare to call the extraterrestrial creatures to jump out of ufo. https://ufo-spacelife.blogspot.com/2018/08/what-is-ufology-all-about.html

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Orbs flying in a peculiar formation

(this sighting reported to MUFON)

Usually one or a few of these pulsating and flashing orbs appear in the day or night sky. But during my 2005 & 2007 encounters (The organized visitation : http://ufospacelife.blogspot.com/2009/11/unusual-encounter-2.html ) they came in large numbers and in a peculiar formation that showed up in many of my UFO photos. they flew extremely low. Are they the Swamp gas, craft, lantern, flying saucer? Sort that out by yourself. Many people ask me about the evidences; here they are:

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